Aspect-Oriented Programming in Spring: Handling Cross-Cutting Concerns with AOP
Learn how to use aspect-oriented programming (AOP) in Spring to handle common cross-cutting concerns like logging and transaction management. Examples included. Improve the modularity and maintainability of your code with Spring AOP.
Simplify Distributed Troubleshooting with Spring Cloud Sleuth
Discover how Spring Cloud Sleuth, an open-source distributed tracing solution, can help you easily troubleshoot microservices-based applications by providing automatic tracing, integration with Zipkin, and compatibility with other monitoring tools.
User Space Network Drivers: What They Are, How They Work, and Their Advantages
Discover the advantages of using user space network drivers (USNDs) and how they work. Learn how USNDs can increase performance, improve flexibility, simplify development, and enhance security for your network communication needs.
Exploring XDR Architecture: Collectors, Platform, and Response Orchestration
With the increasing number of cyber threats, organizations have been forced to adopt new strategies to combat them. One such strategy is XDR or Extended Detection and Response. XDR is a comprehensive security solution that detects and responds to threats across all endpoints, networks, and cloud environments. In this article, we will describe the architecture […]